Hey everyone how was your week? This week has been great! We literally have been handed a prepared investigator her name is Judyleen! She is 14! Her mom is the Relief Society President, so she just barley moved back with her mom, every time we wold teach her she would pray to be able to be baptized and to join the church! And we have only been teaching her for a week! So I said Sister Russell she is prepared she has been to church already and this week will be her third I was like we can have a baptism this month! Heavenly Father is blessing us! She then told me that she didn't want to rush her and I just said if she feels like she is ready then lets let her when she says and if shes not supposed to then Heavenly Father will stop it from Happening! So we invited her and she said the 29th! Holy i was shocked! SO that is what were doing were just gonna go with it until Heavenly father stops it! We asked her to start reading the Book of Mormon and the next morning we went back she told us that she stayed up until 2 A.M. reading and she was already in 2 Nephi 31 (The Pohnpeian Book of Mormon isn't translated all the way but still!!) She is so awesome! She carries her Book of Mormon everywhere!
On a funny note for the week, Sister Russell gave one of our member present Takis, she only ate one and she was dying! She just kept gasping for air haha she told Sister Russell "Sister Russell, its like your killing myself!" Oh man she never will speak English to us but she did that time and it was what made it 10x's funnier! We went to the investigators house and she just drank water for probably 30 seconds straight! haha it was so funny! Another funny note, We received 6 plates of food from some members on Saturday from a missionary's homecoming! We sat down to eat as were eating we get to the chicken and we both say i don't think this is done all the way but jokingly i say oh well i guess well find out tomorrow! Ha well Sunday morning came and sure enough the Chicken wasn't done or something else wasn't because we sure didn't feel good when we got up so all in all not much proselyting was able to get done on Sunday!
Ha well I hope you all have a great week! Thanks for all the love and support! Love an miss you all!
Sister Bowers
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