Transfers came early yesterday morning! You could say it was a rough day! This girl and I have been trough everything together ever since day one! Lets just say if you were to have been sitting in the air port last night watching us you would have thought some one died! ABSOLUTLEY love this girl! Poakpoake iuk nahn! I pahn miss iuk dohulu! Ke kak wia mehkot me ahpwal! Kital nek tupuene!

Its the final count down...da da da dahhhhh dahdah dah dah dah da da! Its the final count down! Well today is the start of my last transfer! Time is flying by so fast it is crazy! This week was our week to got to Guam for MLC so we left on Tuesday and returned on Friday! We got there Tuesday night and we went to a members house and the fed us! It was so good! It was way different from being on Pohnpei, we all sat a a table and chairs, had our own plates, silver wear, cups and even a napkin was there! Haha yes all of this is normal to you but to me it was not! I was really struggling not to just eat with my hands because turns out that that is alot easier for me now days...Sorry mom, ill try to get better! 😊 Then we saw all the little kids in their Halloween costumes! It was crazy I thought i was in the states!
On Wednesday we went to a Nunnery Assisted Living and did service there! It was so fun! We fed them their food and got them ready for their Halloween/St.Day parade that they were going to be having! Ha it was such a cool experience! There was a lady there that reminded me so much of my Granny! As people started telling her what to do she would get up set and tell them no! She didnt want to do anything...very stubborn! I just thought she was the cutest so I walked up to her and started trying to have a conversation with her. I asked her a few questions and then she told me that she had been there for not very long and that she was not happy with her son putting her in there. Oh man all I could think of was Granny! By the end of the day we were best friends, she would only talk to me and smile at me but anyone else who tried to help her she got up set with them! One thing that these loving people taught me was how important it is to visit our family that maybe live in these Assisted Living Centers, so many of them were so sad because none of their family members ever visited them! So I just want
to ask you, if you have family there, PLEASE, PLEASE, go and see them! It will make their day more that you will ever know!
On Thursday we had our meeting with President Poston. We talked so much about how we can better take the gospel through these Islands! It was soo cool to see the ideas that everyone was coming up with! Here are a few of President Poston's ideas have a traveling music group, a traveling basketball or volleyball team! WAHOOOOO! Count me in! It was so cool to see the different ways to share the gospel!
Friday we flew back home and went and visited Kathrene! We went to sports night and ate Coco (Papaya that isn't ripe sliced up and is placed in a bag with vinegar, kool aid, salt, pepper, soy sauce) Oh man it is so good! Mine and Sister Russells favorite! Sounds good eh?? Its the best!
Saturday and Sunday we watched General Conference! It was so good! I am excited to go back an reread the talks! Sunday morning we recieved a call telling us that Sister Russell would be leaving so we spent the day packing and saying good bye to people! I knew ahead that I was going to be getting transfered to Uh! So we gathered our stuff and headed to the air port! We dropped of Sister Ruslle and then headed back home!
This week has been a crazy week! I have had my eyes opened to how fast i go home and it freaks me out! I love my islanders with my whole heart! I love serving my Heavenly Father! I hope and pray that I am doing everything that he needs me to! Thank you for all of your prayers! Love yo all so much! Have a great week!
Sister Bryn Bowers
1. Sister Milne (my new companion), Me, Sister James, and Sister Russell!
2. Sister Behling and I in Guam..We are the ones who help the sisters on pohnpei
3. Hahah Sister Stapeling taking one for the team so we could get a good picture of the hippie guy!
4. Us and Kathrene! She is just glowing! She goes to all the church activities and always waits on the road for her ride to chruch! Thank you for all of your prayers! She is doing amazing!