Hello from Pohnpei!! Well to start off this letter I will tell you about my first night in my new house! I open the door and 6 cockroaches run across the floor! I go to the bathroom and it smell like rotten toilet water, our toilet leaks water everywhere! The shower is not a shower, it is water that comes from a hole in the wall that falls into a bucket that we scoop and take bucket showers....it's great:) My new area is has a lot of less actives, only 45 at church this week so hopefully we can reactivate a lot! We are always busy!! Hardly ever eating dinner but still somehow managing to gain the good ole mission weight!! Its fine it will go away eventually....right?!?! Hah oh well!!
So funny story for the week! We were going to an appointment and driving up this hill, a road made out of coral that is now coming apart because of the rain. The road is barely wide enough for our own car. I'm in the passenger seat and my companion is driving and our member present is in the back seat. We're driving and all the sudden a car comes, I'm thinking .. you have got to be kidding me! So we try to pull to the side of the road so the car can pass but to the side is a huge drop off!! So finally my comp says you drive so we park the car and switch drivers. We begin driving again and then another car and at this point we are on a good slant of mountain!!! I'm like man if we back up were all gonna die!! SO we end up having to back up all the way down the mountain and end up getting stuck in all the jungle weeds! I was pretty sketchy!
I was a little nervous that we were gonna topple backwards but its fine!! I'm here emailing.. alive! It was so funny!
I absolutely love my companion! How true it is that your companion makes or breaks your mission! She is awesome! ( Her name is Sister Fehoko from Tonga)
Today we went to a water fall and it was soooo pretty! All the sisters climbed it all the elders just stayed at the bottom!
I absolutely love Pohnpei!!!!!! What an adventure it has been! Have a great week! Remember to always look on the bright side !!
Love you all! Have a great week!
Sister Bowers
Sister Bowers got a GREAT SURPRISE this week as her MTC companion was transferred to her island!! What a great reunion !! Pictured Sister Leslie, Sister Russell and Sister Bowers |