Sister Bowers & Sister Wari |
Hey everyone! How was your week? Things are going good on
Pohnpei! The beginning of the week was pretty slow!
On Wednesday we were walking and were able to find a lot of
new people to teach! So i am excited to teach them this week!
On Thursday We had district meeting! So we drove to Kolonia
and didn't end up getting back into our areas until 5! We had to get all of our
cars registered for the new year! Oh man it was so late!
On Friday It was my companions birthday! So We whipped her up
a cake and did weekly planning to celebrate! (those who know what weekly
planning is...Good birthday present huh?) ;) haha
On Saturday we were able to get on a boat! YES a BOAT! We
went to an island that just got opened maybe 2 transfers ago and were invited
to go to their baptism! HOLY COW! I miss being on boats and out on the water! I
was so pretty and cool to be able to see the whole island of Pohnpei!
On Sunday we woke up at 6 and started walking to our less
actives house at 6:30 to help them to come back to church again! We get to
their house and they were still sleeping but their brother was awake! So he
said that one of his sister was going to come with us! So i said okay we will
wait at the road! So we go and sit at the edge of the road and i look at Sister
Wari and say if they don't come in 10 min we need to go or we wont make it to
church in time! I just remember praying and praying that at least one of them
would come! Just one! 10 min was up i get up look at Sister Wari and say
"Hang on, i will be right back" i walked to the road that goes to
their house and here comes Angalee one of there daughters! Oh man i knew in
that moment Heavenly Father answered my prayers! We were able to have 44 people
back at church this week! And we were able to have our investigators come
This week i have really realize the importance of
obedience. Before my mission i just took obedience and okay don't break the 10
commandments, obey papa Kent and Mama Shalice but know i understand how
important obedience really is. If we aren't obedient, we cant go back with
Heavenly Father or we cant live with our families for ever! I am so grateful
for commandments because their our road map for this life!
I love you all so much! I hope you all have a great
Sister Bowers
Pacific waters ... Nothing like it! |
Everyone love Sister Bowers |
Underwater pic.... Now that's a great camera! |